
Dxo raw review
Dxo raw review

This means that after pro­cess­ing with DxO Deep­PRIME XP, an image with ISO 12,800 will have about as much noise as one with ISO 2,000-2,500 before. Accord­ing to DxO, the results should be much bet­ter than before.įor Deep­PRIME XD, DxO says it made use of a new neur­al net­work that has been trained with bil­lions of image sam­ples and is now said to allow improve­ments of more than 2.5 f-stops. There­fore, in this arti­cle I will deal exclu­sive­ly with the aspect of noise reduc­tion with the Pho­to­Lab 6 plugin.ĭxO has added the advanced denois­ing process Deep­PRIME XD (XD stands for “e Xtreme Detail”) to the new Pho­to­Lab 6 Elite edi­tion.

dxo raw review dxo raw review

My cat­a­log dates back to 2003 and con­tains more than 200,000 images. I par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoy using Lightroom’s exten­sive cat­a­log fea­tures. All fur­ther pro­cess­ing (expo­sure cor­rec­tion, col­or cor­rec­tions, crop­ping, tag­ging, export) after noise reduc­tion with DxO Deep­PRIME is still done in Adobe Light­room. How­ev­er, I do not use the oth­er exten­sive func­tions of Pho­to­Lab 6 (so far). Since then, the DxO Pho­to­Lab Light­room plu­g­in ( cur­rent­ly in ver­sion 5) has become an inte­gral part of my work­flow for demand­ing high-ISO shots. Deep­PRIME also per­formed bet­ter in my com­par­i­son with the com­peti­tor Topaz DeNoise AI. The AI-based Deep­PRIME noise reduc­tion process intro­duced with DxO Pho­to­lab 4 deliv­ers much bet­ter results than the denois­ing algo­rithms imple­ment­ed in Adobe Light­room for high-ISO images with a lot of noise. As you can see from my pre­vi­ous arti­cles, I have been using DxO Pho­to­Lab since ver­sion 4 as a Light­room CC plu­g­in for noise reduc­tion of my high-ISO images.

Dxo raw review